Our structured art lessons (for children aged 5 to 12) are available in two modules – Level 1, ‘Fun’damental and Level 2, ‘Evolve’lution. Students will learn about different artists and art movements with 2D and 3D artworks, referencing the works of famous artists such as Paul Cézanne, Romero Britto, Keith Haring, Henri Matisse and more.
About 'Fun'damental
The programme covers the essential lessons of Art such as observing shapes and lines, colour theory and mastering brushworks. Students will be guided in sketching, painting and 3D-modelling, while they learn about complementary colours, colour hues, blending of colours, colours and lines in nature, organic, man-made and geometric shapes, and simple composition and the blending of colours.
Students are encouraged to see, think and create in different perspectives during these lessons, promoting critical thinking skills and improve their personal development.
Register for the 'Fun': <Link>
Register for a trial class: <Link>
About 'Evolve'lution
The programme builds on the essential skills from our 'Fun'damental programme and focuses on honing the skills and techniques of colours, shapes, lines and perspectives.
Students will be able to explore more art styles and learn about art movements with 2D, 3D and digital artworks. In one of our 'Evolve' lesson, students will be taught to use the Procreate® software to create a digital artwork. Students will learn relevant and useful skills from this programme which can be used in the daily lives. Through these lessons, students are encouraged to communicate their thoughts and feelings, and express their own creative individuality.
Register for the 'Fun': <Link>
Register for a trial class: <Link>
For more information on our structured lessons, please see FAQs here: <Link>