Important information regarding COVID-19
Update: 12 November 2020
The health, safety and well-being of everyone at Sage Artelier is a priority. We have put the following measures in place to ensure our students, instructors and customers are in a safe environment.
- All customers, students and instructors will have to check in with Safe Entry QR code scanning and have their temperature taken before entering the studio. Parents are advised to drop off their children at the entrance – no need for parents to sign in, we will do this for you.
- Masks must be worn at all times at our studio.
- Hand sanitisers are provided at multiple areas in our studio, including the entrance, retail and art classes areas.
- Classes will be kept to a small group size of 5 (excluding instructors), with at least 1 metre between 2 groups.
- Physical interaction and mingling between groups are not allowed.
- All surfaces will be thoroughly cleaned and/or disinfected between classes and workshops.
- Sharing of art supplies should be avoided as far as possible during classes and workshops. If this cannot be done, the art supplies will be disinfected and cleaned before handled or used by others.
- Please bring your own cups or water bottles.
- For everyone’s health and well-being, please do not attend classes, workshops or visit our retail studio if you:
- Feel unwell and exhibit even the mildest symptoms such as tiredness, runny nose or sore throat
- Have been issued Leave of Absence (LOA) or Stay-Home Notice (SHN)
- Been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days